Pine Bark Extract
Pine Bark Extract (PBE) is a super antioxidant that is loaded with oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs). It offers many amazing benefits such as supporting immune health and circulatory, eye, respiratory, joint and skin health.
Derived from the French maritime pine tree, PBE is widely studied for its unique health-promoting properties. It has strong antioxidant properties that are 50 times greater than vitamin E and 20 times greater than vitamin C. There are many PBE available in the market however not all are made the same.
Professor Jack Masquelier, a renowned French phyto-scientist, was the first to identify and isolate OPCs from French pine trees. Subsequently, he was awarded the first patent for his method for producing unique extract from the bark of French pine trees. Based on his research, Professor Masquelier also developed his breakthrough product - Masquelier's® French Pine Bark Extract.
8 more patents were awarded for extraction, the unique OPCs rich extract and for its vascular benefits.
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